Edinboro Spring Cage Classic
April 20th & April 21st
Schedules are posted. Please check back to see if there are any changes (last update 4/19 - 2:19pm JV-A girls game only)
Click HERE for Schedules
Coming to Erie in JULY 3v3 league (youth - Adult) . Regsitration to begin Mid-May Check back for more details. Be sure to register for the Battle of Lake Erie Tournament May 3rd to May 5th
Edinboro Spring Cage Classic
April 20th - April 21st
Teams - boys and girls 4th - Varsity
Register your team
Click Below to register your team (s)
You can also mail in roster form with check to
Lake Erie Defenders
P.O. Box 152
Madison, Ohio 44057
Call Dave Albert for Questions or to enter more than 7 teams.
Why Choose Edinboro Spring cage Classic?
- Great Facilities - 10 courts on campus
- over 40 years of running tournaments
- Live Score updates
- Great competition